Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah

the empire strikes back…

Archive for July 5th, 2007


Posted by abu ameerah on Thursday, July 5, 2007

Yesterday was the 4th of July…*yawn*…uhhhhhhh…

In honor of our recent celebrations, Let us hold a moment of silence to remember all of the brave hotdogs that were sacrificed yesterday so that proud Americans could enjoy some down-home barbeque. Let us not forget the sacrifice of the cattle who died yesterday so that America could enjoy steak and ribs. Let us not forget the many chickens that lost their lives so that Americans could eat fried chicken (or BBQ) to their hearts desire.

moving right along…

I thought this clip is kinda important around these times when patriotic sentiment is so high.  Here is Bush a few months ago on the lecture circuit, one of the rare times that he isn’t playing golf, likely trying to sell his Iraq war policy (I don’t think the “surge” was fully in effect around the time of this speech).

After the speech concludes, at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced and Internatioal Studies (SAIS), the President then allows time for a Q & A session.  Only, in typical “W” (Dubya) fashion — he can take a question — he just can’t answer it.  Seems like a familiar theme with this administration.  Anyway, notice how he “dodges” (his own word) the question…by trying to make a subtle, yet awkward, joke.  He then pretends that he is thoughtfully listening to the question posed to him (as if he going to follow with some kind of legitimate response) and then completely plays it off by repeating the same failed joke only to move on to the next question.  

This is the Commander In Thief Chief?

Posted in completely useless drivel, food, Government, Humor, humour, makes me think, politics, what the....?! | Leave a Comment »