Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah

the empire strikes back…

Archive for July 3rd, 2007

this is what you get when people take cartoons a lil bit toooo far…

Posted by abu ameerah on Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I heard about this on the news the other day…and it was weird then…but it seems even more strange upon further inspection. Forget the Simpsons movie folks — this is the Simpsons in “real life” or at least it seems that way. I don’t know, but I think this media studnt may prove to be the bane of the rather well manicured existence that Indian-Americans have carved out for themselves in this “great land of opportunity”. Nonetheless, why is it that the character who is the owner/manager of the Kwik-E-Mart on the Simpsons cartoon, Apu Nahasapeemahpehtilon, resembles nearly every aspiring Indian Computer Science/Medical/Engineering student that I have ever encountered in my life? Anyway, without further ado, the real-life Kwik-E-Mart…









The reader may notice that my spelling of Apu’s last name differs from what others take as the more conventional spelling. This is because I believe my spelling of Apu‘s last name is more accurate. Apu is also married and has eight children (octuplets). His wife goes by the name Manjula.

Note to Self: Avoid 7-11’s with KWIK-E-MART theme for the next few weeks months. Also, urge those of South Asian descent Desi FoB-ishness (who fit the Apu profile) to avoid these convenient stores as well. If you, or someone you know, fit this profile than I beseech you not to go to the 7-11 KWIK-E-MARTs. If you are not aware of the Apu profile, here it is in all its Desi glory:



Posted in completely useless drivel, food, Humor, humour, In The News, what the....?! | 2 Comments »